Monday, December 5, 2011

A Professional Student

I had another birthday yesterday.  I think my favorite birthday was my 30th--I was in my last year of residency and I felt that 30 marked the year where I really became a contributing, independent person in the universe rather than a professional student.  Now, quite a few years later, I feel that I have become a professional student yet again.  This time it's a bit different because I'm working fulltime, my career has bizarre hours and I'm back in school -- Internet Agility School.  It all began with Silvia Trkman's classes (which I love, love, love) and now I've upped the ante and submerged in Susan Garrett's (SG) Recallers class.  Today was the first day of class and I'm already freakin' out.  I didn't finish all the pre-recs (bad student) and I'm struggling to keep up with all the reading, chart creating and daily record keeping.  I feel like I'm in my med school biochemistry class except that agility is way more interesting.  I'm going to give SG credit in her creation of the daily record keeping.  Even if I don't train, I need to fill it out by writing, "I did not train today.  I didn't care enough about Gemini's training to even do 5 min."  Having to write that little statement will be the worst, and I guarantee that I'll find some 5 min of something to do just to avoid writing it.

As I'm embarking on my degree in training and handling from Agility U, a few unsuspecting participants are going to be drug into it.  First my husband, Chris, who is getting his MBA and has his working student woes, will have to be my right hand man and help me with the 2 person exercises.  He'll also have to go thru the changes of altering behaviors (of the dogs and us) ect...   Gemini was the root cause of school, so she's all in.  Twig can benefit from all of this and Gem needs a study budy, so she's all in as well.  Last, but not least is Voltaire.  He'll get drug in as a Grad Student.  Yep he's winding his agility career down, but he's not ready to quit training AND I'm actually considering tracking and obedience....

Here's a photo of my pupils.... and no this wasn't recess!

Gotta run and get some homework done.  I so don't want to be writing "I didn't care enough to train!"  over and over again on the blackboard of the web.

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